Our friends Katie & Kevin are engaged (duh! pretty obvious from the post title)! I use to work with Katie as a teacher, she is an amazing person & guidance counselor for 7th & 8th graders. She is great at what she does & I couldn’t imagine having to “counsel” teenagers everyday (and deal with parents on top of it)…before I digress too much. Katie and Kevin met during a weekend trip to the Cape (both expecting the weekend to be a “girls & boys night” out and nothing else) They have been together ever since and as you can see from the images are totally in LOVE!
They were kind enough to “model” for a Shoot Out that I organized for the Lowell Photo Meetup (if you are a photographer in the area find us on facebook!). We headed to Westward Orchards (thanks to the connection from photographer Kerri Green…her husband’s family owns & runs the orchards) and myself along with a few other photographers shot their engagement session. The little nerves that they both might have had when we started didn’t show at all in the images. They rocked the session (which was a little chilly) and we got some AMAZING images.
Kevin & Katie working it with the wheels…sometimes you have to do silly things, it loosens you up and definitely makes for better photos!
A little snuggling is necessary for an engagement session, of course it didn’t hurt that it was a little chilly!
Loved Katie’s dedication to getting on the tractor in her heels.
One of my favorites. These are blueberry bushes (Kerri, correct me if I’m wrong) that turned the most lovely shade of orange/red. I also loved that they were so symmetrical in rows.
We set up a little picnic in the orchard. a great quilt -check! some yummy Champagne -check! Apple Pie -check! Great photos -check & check!
We didn’t have sun for most of the shoot, it was a very overcast day, when it showed up for about 15 minutes we ditched the quilt and shot, shot, shot!
I hand-painted this parasol for my wedding and decided to bring it to the session.
Yeah, for yummy light and not too many smushed apples on the ground. We did have to clear the ground a bit before they laid down, but I am sure it is way better then at the height of apple season.
I am sure you already know this Katie… but I’ll say it anyway, you are gorgeous! Absolutely Stunning!
Get out with Kevin’s great blue eyes, they are such a great shade of blue & the light only made them bluer. (I hope you are blushing too much, Kevin)
This is a guilty pleasure shot for Katie…she LOVES, LOVES, LOVES Twilight. As soon as we started talking about shooting in an apple orchard, the first things she asked was can we do the Twilight shot. I was happy to oblige her! (I’m totes Team Edward if you were wondering)
Katie & Kevin thank you for being amazing & so great! We can’t wait to shoot their wedding this coming June. I am sure it will be full of love & lots of laughs.
Located in Chelmsford MA, photographing weddings all over New England. Photographing Senior photos in Greater Lowell area.
© Mr + Mrs Drew Photography
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