We shot Erin+Matt’s Maternity Session back in January, it was chilly but we still had lots of fun. Brendan arrived at the beginning of April and we were able to squeeze in a session when he was a month old. Ideally its best to shoot newborn sessions during the first 2 weeks because they are super sleepy then. We made it work & it was no big deal! Brendan didn’t really want to sleep for his photographs. So instead of lots of sleepy baby photos we were able to get some adorable shots of Brendan with Mom+Dad 🙂 Which is making me think I want to incorporate more lifestyle images for newborn sessions. It’s easy to get caught up in all the adorable little props and set ups for newborns, but there is something so nice about a simple black and white photo of a newborn. So sweet & cute.
Enjoy your preview Erin+Matt, the rest of your images will be posted online as soon as I finish them up! I know you’ve been patiently waiting to see them.
Located in Chelmsford MA, photographing weddings all over New England. Photographing Senior photos in Greater Lowell area.
© Mr + Mrs Drew Photography
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