A unique gift for your guy & groomsman? Find them at Felix Street Studio.
Here’s a bit from her profile: After all those years actually WORKING in various occupations involving numbers, I have finally found my dream job! Right here at home. Etsy provides a wonderful outlet for my obsessive need to be using my hands as well as my head. My passion for sewing has finally met up with an appreciative audience and I thank you for your interest in my bags. They are made one-at-a-time, with great attention to detail, durability, and quality. I am happiest when I am making things. To make things for people who appreciate handmade is just heaven. And I would not, under any circumstance, object if you referred me to everyone you know. Just in case you were wondering. : )
Located in Chelmsford MA, photographing weddings all over New England. Photographing Senior photos in Greater Lowell area.
© Mr + Mrs Drew Photography
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