Megan is someone I have now known for many years. She went to Salem State (where myself & Drew both went) She was a theater major & one of my very good friends was also a theater major. My twister (if you follow the blog you know what it means…twin sister) and I were at times honorary theater peeps because we hung out with them so much.
Megan lives in the BK (Brooklyn) and is pursuing acting roles. She needed updated head shots (I think her last ones were from when we were all in college…correct me if I’m wrong Megan!). She was in town last weekend for a wedding so it worked out as a perfect time to shoot some head shots. Megan and her husband were staying with our friend Alicia due to the cold weather and knowing that Alicia’s apartment gets really great light I decided we could just shoot them at her house. Not only did we use Alicia’s apartment, Alicia was also kind enough to do Megan’s makeup and assist me when needed. Alicia, you did a kick ass job holding the reflector for me! 🙂 I almost forgot…Alicia also provided some accessories for Megan to wear.
I had a blast hanging out and laughing with both of you & I can’t wait to hear about all the amazing roles you get Megan!
A little sexy star for the camera…this is the fun thing about doing head shots for actors & actresses, you are allowed to have a little more fun and you really want to express a variety of emotions. Megan was awesome and humored me while I was making suggestions for posing. She was also always ready, we’d be talking and I’d have the camera down and as soon as I brought the camera up to take a photo Megan would stop mid sentence and give me a smile or pose.
I love the black & white one on the left. Such a striking image…You are a gorgeous gal Megan!!! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Can you even handle Megan’s green eyes! Can you say STUNNING?!
Megan was down for bundling up and heading outside for a bit. I think we were outside for maybe 20 minutes (if that) We were lucky and had some really great locations right near Alicia’s house. We had to trudge through a little snow, but it wasn’t too bad. Since it was nice and sunny it didn’t feel quite as cold as it was. It also helped that Megan had this amazing patterned coat. As soon as I saw it hung up at the house I asked if we were going to shoot wearing it. This was at the library in Beverly, we had people coming in and out of the doors, luckily they always chose the door on the left so we could work around it.
I love these last 2 images, so pretty. Thanks again Megan for letting me hang out and have fun shooting your head shots. 🙂
Located in Chelmsford MA, photographing weddings all over New England. Photographing Senior photos in Greater Lowell area.
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