I decided on Monday that we were going to make Gingerbread Houses so on the hunt I went looking for a kit. Of course Target was my first stop, luckily it was also my only stop. If you are looking for kits, definitely go check out Target. They had small houses that were already put together so all you had to do was decorate, they also had a gingerbread train kit. I decided on the village. My thought process was Prue could make & decorate her own and I could decorate some too without her help. 🙂
Decorating went from bad to good. I should have put the houses together before Prue was around. She went from super excited to decorate them to a complete break down because I wasn’t letting her decorate while I was putting them together. Finally she recovered and stopped crying and we were able to decorate. Drew helped Prue while I was decorating my own. I wanted to be really patient and decorate my house, but that didn’t happen. I have more respect for bakeries that do gingerbread houses with all the little details.
We have a little village but I don’t know how long they will last, Prue has been picking at them all day today. As soon as we came downstairs this morning she went right to them. I came out of the bathroom to find her gripping onto one of the houses. She had eaten the candy off the roof of the house and took a bite out of it. Later today she asked me if I had to “peepee”? I didn’t understand at first why she was asking me, but then I realized she was staring at the gingerbread houses and wanted me to leave so she could sneak a bite.
Located in Chelmsford MA, photographing weddings all over New England. Photographing Senior photos in Greater Lowell area.
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