Melanie & Julius are friends with our good friend Danielle & Jared, as well as our friends too 🙂 Mel & Julius have been together for over 10 years and finally on Sept 5th they tied the knot. They met at a Salem State Basketball game (represent SSC now SSU). They bumped into eachother at another SSC Basketball game a couple of weeks later. Later that evening, when Melanie arrived home to her apartment, Julius was there waiting. Can you handle the romance of that! Melanie was surprised. They decided to go out with a group of mutual friends and danced all night. Melanie was happy to find someone that could keep up with her on the dance floor! Mel loves to dance, Julius loves Soccer & they balance each other perfectly! After dating for several years, they were blessed with their son Jalen. Whois an adorable little boy.
We had the pleasure of capturing their special day at Lynch Park in Beverly & then at the Salem Waterfront Hotel. It was a beautiful September day, we couldn’t have asked for better weather. It was a day filled with laughter & celebration with family & friends. There were so many images I loved that I wanted to post on our blog so this is going to be a 2 part post.
Don’t you love the tininess of Jalen’s tux. I love the juxtaposition of it next to Mel’s dress.
Loved the makeup artist Jenelle (of Beauty Couture by Jenelle). She did an amazing job making all the girls look stunning with their “vintage” makeup of smokey eyes & red lips (and as you can see from the photo she was a blast to hang out with). We were laughing the entire time they were getting ready.
Can you handle the amazingness of this shot! I was pretty proud when I took it 🙂 Gorgeous shoes, gorgeous blue sky & some amazing bling. What’s not to love?
Julius looking handsome getting ready. He surprised Mel & cut off all of his braids a few days before the wedding. He showed up at the rehearsal with it shaved off. It was something Mel has been asking him to do for years. I almost didn’t recognize him 🙂
A sweet photo of Vanessa helping Mel’s mom Judy (her future mother in law, she is engaged to Mel’s brother Craig) We’d love to shoot your wedding, *hint, hint 🙂The bridesmaids didn’t carry bouquets. They had purses with the peacock flowers attached to it. It was very different & went with the peacock theme perfectly. (also great for the budget conscience bride who doesn’t want to spend tons on flowers!)
Jenelle & Giovanni tag teaming Mel doing both her hair & makeup. Giovanni did a fabulous job doing the hair for all the girls. These weren’t simple up do’s either. I loved how they all co-ordinated but were different. Some up-do’s & some down. I loved Judy’s hair (Mel’s mom) it was gorgeous & framed her face perfectly! Giovanni & Jenelle also provided some fabulous tunes while everyone was getting ready. We heard some SWV, Boyz to Men mixed in with Metric. It was my kind of playlist!
Mel’s nieces Tori & Jenna looking stunning & so grown up!
Look at Jalen looking all kinds of cute. I especially love that Julius’ older son Brandon is helping Jalen get dressed. Most older brothers wouldn’t want to have anything to do with their little brother. I am sure Jalen just adores Brandon!
Mel attending to the little details, helping her niece Jenna with her hair.
Jenelle doing her thing getting the bridesmaids ready. Giovanni & Jennelle did the hair & makeup of Mel, her Mom & the 4 bridesmaids. They rocked it out!
The girls were super cute with helping Mel get into her dress & accessorized. Danielle is putting her shoes on while Vanessa helps with her jewelry!
Some last minute touches & putting the veil & flower in Mel’s hair.
Mel you look absolutely stunning. Work it out girl!!
Ove the many years that I’ve know Mel this is such a classic pose & expression.
Mel’s dad met us downstairs with a special treat. He rented a Rolls Royce from Ludwig Limosine for the ride over to Lynch Park.
Love this photo of Mel & her Dad ready to head over to the ceremony. Mel looks gorgeous & her dad looks so proud & happy for his little girl.
Lynch Park is a beautiful location for a ceremony. It is a garden overlooking the ocean in Beverly MA.
One last kiss on the cheek before heading down the aisle. Mel’s Dad joked about not letting go of her at the end of the aisle.
The girls rocked some fierce shoes for sure.
Jalen was so cute during the ceremony. He kept going back & forth between his mom & dad. They did a great job including him in the ceremony.
Stay tuned for part 2 🙂
Located in Chelmsford MA, photographing weddings all over New England. Photographing Senior photos in Greater Lowell area.
© Mr + Mrs Drew Photography
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